Sunday, April 5, 2009

11th April 2005

Tick tock tick tock.
I can't believed it!

6 more days and it will be our 4th anniversary! Its like we have just gotten married only yesterday. I am running out of ideas what gift to give to dear Hubby. The fact that dear Hubby is a fussy person, is adding up to my headache. Let's see my list so far
  • Perfume , checked, given previous years.
  • Neck Tie & Cuff links , checked that one too.
  • Leather wallet, checked.
  • Shirt, also checked.
  • Watch, checked

So what's left lah? Hmmm, according to this website, they recommended to give linen or silk (Alamak! Muslim men cant wear silk. Is linen the same? I wonder) or appliances (electrical kah? eh, mahal tu~big boys toys can be quite expensive) as an ideal anniversary gift for 4th anniversary. Heee tapi macam ndak romantic and personal jak tu.

Hmmmm Scrapbook, maybe? Awaiting for creative juices to flow :p

A diamond bracelet sounds good (on me of course!). Looks like I cant ask for a diamond bracelet, not until the 60th anniversary anyway (God's willing if we live that long, I will be 93 years old that time). Besides the economic are not looking so good nowadays.

Anyway, lots of things have changed these past 4 years. Some are an eye opener and some are path to self discovery. Nevertheless, I prayed that our marriage will remain, ~not smooth (all marriage has it ups and downs), a blessed and a happy one (here and therafter).



Ann always said...

spa treatment for 2!

. said...

Aum: heheheh, good idea.