Sunday, May 31, 2009

I dream of ....

Its good to know that some friends have achieved what they have dreamt of. I'm happy for them . At the same time I felt a tinge of envyness.
Because you have seen the world.
Because you have a mission and because you know you will achieved it and you look forward in achieving it.

I, on the other hand, have stop dreaming for a long time now. Soon as I have signed my commitment on that piece of paper, all dreams that I ever have had to be shelved and never to be open again until the time comes or permits.

Life has to change according to the teaching. Devotion and respect must be ultimate to one guy, seconds after Allah.

Alas, all sacrifisation has been taken for granted. Or is there Hope?


BabySigns said...

Hi sue.. there's always hope as long as you continue dreaming, visualizing and believing..

. said...

Thoi, thanks for the wise words :)

Self-Proclaimed Yummy Mummy said...

i can only say,!!!!!i'm so impressed!!!!

. said...

Chris, thank you thank you *wink wink*