Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year

Today is the last day of 2010.

This year,
  • I am 34 years old (OMG!) but heart is still young (wink)
  • Transfered out myself to work in KL in January, had new (better) bosses although had to traveled back and forth from home to KL for work (it takes 45min ~if traffic is good~, you know),  
  • Learned a new set of skills (SAP, time management) and am hoping to brush up on my management skills
  • Met up again with old colleagues @ WSD and of course new colleagues 
  • Transferred Baby to a new Nursery nearer @ work (cheaper and better bcoz their syllabus is Montessori ~I have less stress now as the teachers there are better skilled, Baby is now 3 and half years old and speaks in sentences although sometimes I had to guessed what she is saying, she is now taller and likes to wear dresses, loves Dora, Tom & Jerry, Tinkerbell, Alif Ba Ta and have been hogging the TV ever since ~sigh! No more CSIs, Criminal Minds, NCIS for me
  • Had cleared off one loan (Yippe!) 
  • Had a great time book-shopping at BBW! Hopefully, next year they will have their fair in a more nearer place (eg Subang, KL)  
  • Done retail therapy like no one's business ...... Muahahahhahaha (evil laugh) ~ it's been a while 
  • Mom and Dad come for a visit recently , had a great fun time 'lepaking' with them and now misses them 

Well, enough of some of my mundane's wishing YOU and ME a
Wonderful, Wonderful NEW YEAR 2011!!!


Sunday, December 12, 2010

I dont care anymore what you think

In Islamic teaching family ties were not to be severed eventhough they are embracing a different religion. What ever happened to good old Christian teachings? I don't recalled reading or learning on ditching your other family members when they have chose or want to embraced Islam. If they were to embraced Buddhism or Hinduism, if ok but NOT Islam. Probably, they will have a celebration for you if you want to Buddhism or Hinduism. Whats the story, morning  glory? Whats so bad about Islam? Islam teaches to do the Good and NOT the Bad. All this US and Malaysia's media propaganda have mislead you all. Please read the correct media, you are an intelligent lot but you act like not.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the memories and sorry for causing this pain.

But I dont really care what you think or say anymore because its my LIFE and I do what I want and because I have faith in Allah.

May Allah have mercy on you.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Let's make a date...

More info

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Life goes on

I cant wait for the end of the month to come. Has a whole list of things to do ..... Sigh!
BTW, am getting bored with fb, internet ... told ya I get bored easily. It's enlighting how some people who are still/perpetually reporting everthing in fb , I mean if its one in a while, its ok (so that people dont forget you, hahahah).
Be careful people, you might end up having a stalker going to your places, knowing your every move. Now that's creepy ...
Anyway.. am waiting for the Big Bad Wolf Book sale this year for some books therapy.

'Selamat Hari Malaysia & please its NOT Hari 1Malaysia!'

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Are you talking about me?

The internet has given us so many access to information. Some may be of use and some may not. When the fb mania break loose few years ago, we were addicted in adding people to our contact list so that we could be in touch and probably to see who has the most number of people we know. But after a while, the novelty wore off and we started to lose count, respond slowly to the 'add' request and started to be more selective in adding and requesting for add. All this because, people has started to be nasty and the world wide web has prove its cons and privacy has been breached. Lots of nasty and bitchy statements started to popped up. The friends that you thought were one, proved were not. After all these years, after all the helps that was extended. I have kept my silence all this while but enough is enough. Dr M once quoted "Melayu mudah lupa".

Well, if you feel like you dont want to have my name in your contact list, just because we have the same set of friends, please do yourself a favour, dont be a hypocrite.  Maybe I should be the one to unadd you first, hmmm

Go ahead and delete. See if I care.
I am at peace.

" Everything happens for a reason. If you passed His test, you are on the way to become a better person. If you failed, you are in DEEP shit!"

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Good Life starts only when you stop wanting a better one

A friend sent me this recently, like it so much and wanted to share it with you......

TRUST is a very important factor for all relationships. When trust is broken, it is the end of the relationship. Lack of trust leads to suspicion, suspicion generates anger, anger causes enmity and enmity may result in separation.

A telephone operator told me that one day she received a phone call. She answered, 'Public Utilities Board.' There was silence. She repeated, 'PUB.' There was still no answer. When she was going to cut off the line, she Heard a lady's voice, 'Oh, so this is PUB. Sorry, I got the number from my Husband's pocket but I do not know whose number it is.'

Without mutual trust, just imagine what will happen to the couple if the telephone operator answered with just 'hello' instead of 'PUB'.



A man asked his father-in-law, 'Many people praised you for a successful marriage. Could you please share with me your secret?'

The father-in-law answered in a smile, 'Never criticize your wife for her shortcomings or when she does something wrong. Always bear in mind that because of her shortcomings and weaknesses, she could not find a better husband than you.'

We all look forward to being loved and respected. Many people are afraid of losing face. Generally, when a person makes a mistake, he would look around to find a scapegoat to point the finger at. This is the start of a war. We should always remember that when we point one finger at a person, the other four fingers are pointing at ourselves.

If we forgive the others, others will ignore our mistake too.



A person visited the government matchmaker for marriage, SDU, and requested 'I am looking for a spouse. Please help me to find a suitable one.' The SDU officer said, 'Your requirements, please.' 'Oh, good looking, polite, humorous , sporty, knowledgeable, good in singing and dancing. Willing to accompany me the whole day at home during my leisure hour, if I don't go out. Telling me interesting stories when I need companion for conversation and be silent when I want to rest.' The officer listened carefully and replied, 'I understand you need television.'

There is a saying that a perfect match can only be found between a blind wife and a deaf husband, because the blind wife cannot see the faults of the husband and the deaf husband cannot hear the nagging of the wife. Many couples are blind and deaf at the courting stage and dream of perpetual perfect relationship. Unfortunately, when the excitement of love wears off, they wake up a nd discover that marriage is not a bed of roses. The nightmare begins.



Many relationships fail because one party tries to overpower another, or demands too much. People in love tend to think that love will conquer all and their spouses will change the bad habits after marriage. Actually, this is not the case. There is a Chinese saying which carries the meaning that 'It is easier to reshape a mountain or a river than a person's character.'

It is not easy to change. Thus, having high expectation on changing the spouse character will cause disappointment and unpleasantness.

It would be less painful to change ourselves and lower our expectations..



There is a Chinese saying which carries the meaning that 'A speech will either prosper or ruin a nation.' Many relationships break off because of wrong speech. When a couple is too close with each other, we always forget mutual respect and courtesy. We may say anything without considering if it would hurt the other party.

A friend and her millionaire husband visited their construction site. A worker who wore a helmet saw her and shouted, 'Hi, Emily! Remember me? We used to date in the secondary school.' On the way home, her millionaire husband teased her, 'Luckily you married me. Otherwise you will be the wife of a construction worker.' She answered,'You should appreciate that you married me. Other wise, he will be the millionaire and not you.'

Frequently exchanging these remarks plants the seed for a bad relationship. It's like a broken egg - cannot be reversed.



Different people have different perception. One man's meat could be another man's poison. A couple bought a donkey from the market. On the way home, a boy commented, 'Very stupid. Why neither of them ride on the donkey? 'Upon hearing that, the husband let the wife ride on the donkey. He walked besides them. Later, an old man saw it and commented, 'The husband is the head of family. How can the wife ride on the donkey while the husband is on foot?' Hearing this, the wife quickly got down and let the husband ride on the donkey.

Further on the way home, they met an old Lady. She commented, 'How can the man ride on the donkey but let the wife walk. He is no gentleman.'

The husband thus quickly asked the wife to join him on the donkey. Then, they met a young man. He commented, 'Poor donkey, how can you hold up the weight of two persons. They are cruel to you.' Hearing that, the husband and wife immediately climbed down from the donkey and carried it on their shoulders.

It seems to be the only choice left. Later, on a nar row bridge, the donkey was frightened and struggled. They lost their balance and fell into the river. You can never have everyone praise you, nor will everyone condemn you. Never in the past, not at present, and never will be in the future.

Thus, do not be too bothered by others words if our conscience is clear..



This is a true story which happened in the States. A man came out of his home to admire his new truck. To his puzzlement, his three-year-old son was happily hammering dents into the shiny paint of the truck. The man ran to his son, knocked him away, hammered the little boy's hands into pulp as punishment. When the father calmed down, he rushed his son to the hospital.

Although the doctor tried desperately to save the crushed bones, he finally had to amputate the fingers from both the boy's hands. When the boy woke up from the surgery & saw his bandaged stubs, he innocently said, 'Daddy, I'm sorry about your truck.' Then he asked, 'but when are my fingers going to grow back?' The father went home & committed suicide.

Think about this story the next time someone steps on your feet or u wish to take revenge. Think first before u lose your patience with someone u love. Trucks can be repaired.. Broken bones & hurt feelings often can't. Too often we fail to recognize the difference between the person and the performance. We forget that forgiveness is greater than revenge.

People make mistakes. We are allowed to make mistakes. But the actions we take while in a rage will haunt us forever.

'Good Life starts only when you stop wanting a better One'

Friday, August 27, 2010

22 Tanda Kiamat Semakin Hampir

  1. Sembahyang diabaikan (diringan-ringankan).
  2. Keinginan nafsu syahwat digalakkan dan berleluasa disebarkan melalui internet, iklan, buku, gambar, risalah atau filem.
  3. Penjenayah menjadi pemimpin dan kebanyakannya jahil mengenai agama dan banyak memberi fatwa yang menyesatkan pengikutnya.
  4. Perkara benar menjadi salah dan salah menjadi benar. Sukar untuk membezakan perkara halal dan haram kerana yang haram dianggap halal serta sebaliknya.
  5. Berbohong menjadi satu keperluan dalam hidup dan menganggap jika tidak berbohong sukar untuk hidup senang.
  6. Membayar zakat (harta, perniagaan dan pendapatan) dianggap beban.
  7. Orang yang hidup mengikut kehendak agama ditindas dan hati mereka sentiasa merintih kerana maksiat berleluasa tetapi mereka tidak mampu mencegahnya.
  8. Turun hujan di luar musimnya dan hujan tidak memberi keuntungan kepada makhluk di muka bumi.
  9. Fenomena lelaki berkahwin dengan lelaki (homoseksual) dan perempuan berkeinginan kepada perempuan (lesbian) semakin menjadi-jadi.
  10. Perempuan menguasai lelaki dengan memakai ubat guna-guna, sihir dan amalan syaitan lain.
  11. Anak-anak mengingkari dan menderhaka ibu bapa (ibu bapa menjadi kuli dan anak menjadi tuan).
  12. Kawan baik dilayan dengan kasar, manakala musuh diberi layanan baik. Kawan disangka lawan dan musuh dianggap sahabat serta memusuhi orang yang mengajak berbuat kebaikan.
  13. Dosa dipandang ringan malah bangga melakukannya seperti zina, minum arak, bergaul bebas antara lelaki dan perempuan, meninggalkan sembahyang, mendedahkan aurat dan berjudi.
  14. Masjid dihias indah tetapi kosong, terpulau, berkunci dan banyak berlaku kecurian barang masjid yang berharga.
  15. Ramai yang sembahyang tetapi munafik dan berpura-pura. Di dalam sembahyang berjanji akan mengikut suruhan Allah tetapi di luar sembahyang melanggar perintahNya,
  16. Akan datang golongan manusia dari Barat menguasai mereka yang lemah (iman) dan ramai terpengaruh dengannya seperti mengikut cara mereka berpakaian, bergaul dan suka berpesta.
  17. Al-Quran dicetak dengan indah tetapi hanya dijadikan perhiasan dan jarang dibaca serta diamalkan kehendaknya.
  18. Amalan riba berleluasa hingga orang alim pun terjebak sama.
  19. Darah manusia tidak berharga, sering berlaku pembunuhan, peperangan dan jenayah.
  20. Penganut Islam tidak mahu mengamalkan suruhan agama dan tidak mahu membela serta menyebarkannya.
  21. Akan bertambah banyak penyanyi wanita (wanita yang tidak beriman adalah senjata syaitan yang baik).
  22. Ramai orang kaya pergi umrah dan haji dengan tujuan melancong, yang sederhana pergi untuk berniaga dan yang miskin bermaksud meminta sedekah.

Sunday, July 4, 2010


Have you ever seen an aloe vera in bloom? I havent. So when Hubby told me last week that the aloe vera is blooming, I was confused. Aik, really kah this? I thought aloe vera tak berbunga. So, I call up my mom:

Me: "Mak, itu aloe vera berbunga"
Mom: "Bah, bagus tu. Ada nasib. Pi tinguk sana pokok dia kalau ko ada nampak number."
Me : "How to tinguk??"
Mom: "Ko tinguk lah lama lama mcm tinguk itu ikan ariwana!!!"

Siapa mau minta number???Muakakakaka

Apparently, aloe vera do flower but rarely.

The flowers

Up close


Sunday, May 23, 2010

How time flies ....

Almost three years old

at 1 month old

Monday, April 19, 2010

Photo of the month

We had this head thingy from Hubby's client's BBQ dinner a while ago and Sofiya really like it so much that she had to wear it everyway (sleeping, shops (bikin malu oh), but of course I have to put on a straight face as if nothing can embarass me .... but what do you think?

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Silence is Golden

Hello, people.
Sorry about the long silence. Isk isk isk...penyakit malas tahap gaban melanda :P.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Come What May

This year , I turned 34 years old. Wow, it feels like I have just finished Form Five yesterday. How time flies! Look how big my darling Sofiya has grown now ...

I hope this year to achieve many things ie
  1. to be debt free (hopefully)
  2. to buy an iPhone (i know, but I mau jugak)
  3. to install a white picket fence & a brand new porch
  4. to read more books (i promise)
  5. to visit (Japan, Korea or Hong Kong(Disneyland!))
  6. to learn a new skill (SAP ~ huh?)
  7. to start an online biz
and lastly embark on a new job ~ fingers cross

Come What May  InsyaAllah